Clinical Research. Laws and ethics that regulate it (Paper version)
Assistance in starting new Sites
If you are interested in opening a new research site, we offer assistance on site requirements, interview and selection of personnel, training on GCP and FDA regulations (see the trainings we offer)
Assistance in starting new studies
We provide assistance during the preparation of new studies. This includes the preparation of regulatory documents, assistance in training and access to the supplier portal, and preparation of original study documents.
We offer Quality Control during studies with periodic visits to the site to review:
• Regulatory Documents for the completeness and accuracy of essential documents
• Review of original documents to ensure they comply with ALCOA standards.
• Review of study drugs for reconciliation and accounting.
• Any other site requirement according to the contracted services.
Provide Research Studies
We assist sites in obtainingeitherno of new clinical studies according to the experience and performance of the site
Course 5: "Original Documents": The price of this course is $199.00
Courses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: If you are interested in taking all the courses you will have a 15% discount. Total price is $975.00. We recommend that you take one course at a time in the order they are arranged.
Courses 1, 2 and 3: If you are interested in these three courses you will have a 10% discount. Total price is $675.00
Courses 4 and 5: If you are interested in these two courses you will have a 10% discount. Total price is $360.00
Clinical Research. Laws and ethics that regulate it (Paper version)